Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Castlerock Peak

          The entry way to the Castlerock Peak chair has a sign on the beginning of it: "Danger this lift is for expert skiers only, it is not groomed and there is no snow making, rocks are very common and there is no easy way down" There is a big reason why it has this warning. The warning describes this peak perfectly, a peak full of cliffs, ice, and barely any snow.
          There are a total of 11 trails on this peak, and it is by far the most dangerous peak, and has the most dangerous runs. It is has two double blacks, six blacks, and three blues. From the top of the chairlift, there are three ways down, Lift Line which is a double black, that contains two cliffs on your way down and many rocks, and as the name suggests, the lift is on this trail. Next there is Castlerock Run which is the easiest black on the peak. It intertwines with Lift Line with a run called Troll Road which is a blue, if you are on Lift Line, and you need to bail off of it an go to something easier you can go to Troll Road or Hi  and Lo Road which are both flat trails that intertwine with the whole peak. Finally, there is Middle Earth.
          Middle Earth is by far my favorite run on this peak. Not only, because it has the best tree skiing on it, but it has cliffs on the sides, which are fun to jump off of, and it has a river running through the middle of it, that creates an area that is complete ice and river on the days where there is not enough snow. It has two main glades, one that you go into at the top of the trail, and the other towards the bottom. The top one is a lot longer, and has substantially better terrain, but the other one is less known and has a lot more snow. It has the best glade on the peak.
          All of the other trails on this mountains are just extensions of these three. All except for Rumble. Rumble. This trail is by far the hardest on the peak, and arguably the hardest on both mountains. It doesn't have any cliffs, but a ton of rocks, and it is the tightest trail on the mountain. This is the hard part. The tightness. You can enter Rumble by going down Lift Line half way. This is the only entrance to it.
          Castlerock peak is the hardest peak in all of Sugarbush. It has the hardest runs, and some good glades to ski in. On a powder day, it can be the nicest place on the mountain, but when there is not a lot of snow, it can be the worst spot, and the most challenging place.